Comments from the Artist:

" I am thankful to have an outlet to exhibit my creativity and to make it available to you to view and purchase. I have had a few one-man shows over the years but with limited gallery support. I believe that my work is so different than the work most galleries offer that it does make it hard to find one with a niche-match for my style. It is just a pleasure to have this technology available to share my work with you on such a personal level. It is freedom and capitalism that makes it possible to dream and create and share those creations with the world.

I have sold around 16,000 pieces of the unique furniture I created over the last 15 years. And now I want to offer you something that is far more rare... my paintings are a pure form of creativity. I don't even know what will come out next. I rarely do much planning in advance of creating. It will all happen in the process as I paint or draw. So you see, I do not have a publisher asking for 50 ocean scenes! I do, however, have several contemporary themes and you will see some repetition throughout the body of my work. And you will see my "line"( my personal touch) in each and every work no matter what the theme or style.

I know my work does not appear so deep in thought on the surface. It is as I say more entertainment to your senses than an attack on your psyche. These works are my "babies". They are very personal to me and they do have my moods wrapped up in them. I do enjoy the use of color, as you can tell, and my obligation to life is to be creative when I work, not just to paint pictures. This work is my outlet for my emotions. And, because you also have these emotions you just might connect with one or two of these images.

As I have such a range of themes or subjects, it would be hard to pin me down with a certain label for my style. But you can try! When I have done shows there was always a mix of viewers and each would find one certain piece that they would like the most. The pieces that have sold did something to the buyer, struck them over the head, or made some emotional connection with that person. Maybe you will get hit over the head by one. There will be more works put up often for you to enjoy and just as many unique looks as you see haven't seen all my best yet !!!

If you wonder about the price of a piece, it has more to do with my connection to each image that I am offering to you. Someone must be willing to show his or her commitment to the care of that work by accepting the value I have demanded. I have hundreds of different works and they all have a different value. These are not toys to play with, though you may enjoy them like a toy. They are not stocks and bonds that you buy and trade yet they will surely go up in value in years to come and make a good investment. Each must be cared for as they are simple rare.

I was too lucky to be born in the greatest country the world will ever know. It is freedom and capitalism that make it possible to dream and create and live a life of sharing those creations with the world. Though many an artist has created works from the suffering of communism and the non-free world, it is the freedom of expression that comes from a constitution that promotes free speech with no tyrannical control over capitalism's free markets that made it possible for you and all the others in the world to see and maybe even own the works I show you here. I know it is a popular thing for artists of all promote socialism and communism while they take large sums of money from capitalism's gracious hand. I am not rich as they are and do not share in such hypocrisy....nor would I desire to get rich just to give it all to a bunch of former lawyers that are known as "politicians" just so they can squander it all away. I should hope that you don't work your tail off just to give it to a government when you could support me or other artists and businesses that will reward you for your hard earned dollars in trade for true value and joy in your life. and reward yourself for your hard effort by owning such a rare worldly possesion as a one-of-a-kind painting. Selfish? Not at all, such trade makes the world go 'round.

Thank you and enjoy your visit here. And, please ask questions and leave your comments for me on the"Comments page".

J.C. Schahrer


Always been a cowboy !

~Guest Book and Comments~